Add Events
This site uses Google Calendars because there are so many ways of people being able to connect to them, get free SMS messages for events of interest, and being able to copy events to their own calendars.
There are several ways to add events to this website, and have them fed out to the various Facebook and other pages to help spread the details of your event.
1. The easiest method is to use this form. Anyone can use the form to submit events. They will be moderated and added to the Web Site daily. You do not need to be a Member of this site, or have a Google Account.
2. OR you may use the Google Standard Add to Calendar Form by joining the Authorised Members Google Group. You join that group, and you can post your own events on this website. The first time you add an event, Google will ask you to log in. You will need a Google Account. You can use your non Google email to setup a Google Account, or you can use your own Google or Gmail Account, or set up a new Gmail Account. See more on the following page.